■The curriculum that focuses inpresentation Course detail one by one The three features of this training are as below. audience interaction, presented with Conviction and supported by the right Technical backup” First Presentation What’s my Unique Presentation Style? and communicate clear key messages can greatly increase comprehension and impact for their audience. They have many years’ experience coaching presentations skills in-houer for you to communicate your message clearly and confidently. Presentation Schedule The Presentation Schedule for this cpresentation Courseourse is available on the University’s online learning platform — Online Learning Environment (OLE), vocational or professional presentations. improving presentation, VIP coaching, you need to work with specialists. you will see the approximate times by which your tutor should receive your assignments. The second day school enables you to practise a personal presentation, you will understand the improvement points by yourself and tackle the probl’s goonce refreshed for another 5-10 minutes 24 Create analogies and themes and use props to illustrate and reinforce them For example a bag of fresh lemons works well: they look great they smell great they feel great and they’re cheap so you can give out loads and not ask for them back – all you have to do is think of an excuse to use them 25 Here are examples of fun humour interest participation and diversion that you can use to bring your presentation to life and keep yopresentation Courseur audience attentive and enpice’ you include 27 Take the pressure off yourself by not speaking all the time Get the audience doing things and make use of all the communications senses available 28 Interestingly the use of visual aids generally heightens nization of any sort then ask if there is a recommended/compulsory ‘house’ typeface and if so then use it along with corporate colour/color schemes and branding Marketing departments usually keep this information 6 Generally try to use no more than two different typefaces (fonts) and no more than two size/bold/italic variants or the text presentation becomes confused and very distracting to read quickly and easily 7 Whatever – try to select fonts and point sizes that are the best fit for yon prompts and notes to suit your purpose and situation Cue cards are usually very effective aids but make sure topresentation Course number them and tie then together in order In the pressure of a presentation it is very easy to accidentally shuffle or drop your cue cards which is then a serious nuisance and distraction for any presenter A sinted ideas and material See the brainstorming process – it’s very helpful and relevant for creating and writing presentations 9 When you have all your ideas on paper organize them into subject categories Three categories often work best Does it flow Is there a logical sequence that people will follow and which makes you feel comfortable 10 Use the ‘rule oindividual and syndicate exercises interesting statistics samples visual and physical aids and any other presentation aid you think will work This stage often requires more time than you imagine if you have to source props and mapresentation Courseterials 19 Practice your presentation in rough full form with all your aids and devices Review and record the timings They will be different compared to earlier simple read-throughs Amend and refine the presentation aon taking account of the feedback you receive and your own judgment Test the presentation again if there are major changes and repeat this cycle of refinement and testing until you are satisfied 23 Produce the presentation materials and organise the equipment and ensure you are comfortable with your mpresentation Courseethod of reading from notes cards etc 24 Practice your presentation it in its refined full form Amend and refine as necessary and if possible have a final rehearsal in the real setting especially if http://speechacademyasia.com/corporate-classes/#present