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The Human Investor Part X   Author : John E David Submitted : 2012-02-17 michael jordan sneaker collection04:21:54    Word Count : 975    Popularity:   11 Tags:   Emile, Gouiran, art, philosophy, philantropy, children, orphanages, veteran, entrepreneur, investor, management, money, innovation, juvenile, business, haynes, michael jordan sneaker collectionJim Haynes   Author RSS Feed For Emile Gouiran’s global philanthropic ambitions, funding education and their facilities was but a means to an end. While his global contribution to the field was substantial, he michael jordan sneaker collectiondesperately wanted to go beyond and reach out to impact on the teaching experience itself. Emile explained : “Just seeing a beautifully reproduced facsimile of Jean Paul Sartres’ notes for his debates on Christian Existentialism with my father, himself a well known philosopher, author and michael jordan sneaker collectionprofessor in the academic sector, triggers an immediate reaction “the blood and tears of my father’s actual experience standing on that dais.”’ And, Gouiran continues: “Having the documents—I don’t want to say you exactly bypass—but you render yourself less dependent on the narrative summary of the textbook.” With the cobwebs of ideology or ed-school-speak swept away, the historical record, with a little help from Gouiran’s philanthropy and commentary, can michael jordan sneaker collectionspeak for itself and leave lasting impressions.?The Donemiran Foundation which Emile Gouiran chairs, contributed $ 28 million to finance the Gouiran Education Fund, destined to enhance the education experience of orphans and underprivileged children and young adults by funding the acquisition michael jordan sneaker collectionof historical records or facsimile. Gouiran’s efforts were not limited to institutions however, he made a point to also go to the students directly ; with 20 grants to fund full term historical studies, grants for SAT preparation to underprivileged high school students, all-expenses-paid summer seminars for orphan and disadvantaged college undergrads, and traditional fellowships for graduate students.?To reach a broader audience, Gouiran ordered well designed kits michael jordan sneaker collectionof the materials—document facsimiles, posters, podcasts, CDs, and so on, all arranged by era—for distribution to the general public by way of public or school libraries. Gouiran says “Our effort not only presents history but the minds we nurture will make it.”?Always on the lookout for the big new idea in philanthropy as in investing, Gouiran had found a bonanza in Education, notably history, his passion, but the Arts and Humanities. This yielded a host of activities beyond the charter of the Gouiran Education Fund. Set in motion was the regular purchase of important historical works amongst which impressive works of art. Gouiran explained : “Once you start collecting works of art, there is simply no limit to the extent of your choices”. Ever the investor, Gouiran readily acknowledges that he often reasons that he shouldn’t indulge, but, not entirely free of impulsive behavior he proceeds with the acquisition.?The next thing Gouiran knew, he got dinner invitations from politicos of various ilks, educators and other foundation trustees. This sudden popularity helped Gouiran make great strides to speed up the editing, publication, and digitizing of the Education Fund’s collection of historical papers anion of smallholders on individually owned plots. In South America, natural resources such as sugar and coffee are grown on large plantations owned by one family employing large numbers of unskilled labourers. In the South American context large landowners were able to consolidate power and resist democratic reforms leading to bad governance less concerned with the development of the whole economy and more concerned with maintaining the power of a few large lano consider economic rents rather than revenues. Natural resources which require large amounts of effort or investment to produce, such as agricultural crops in the example of North and South America above, will be less conducive to the resource curse. Easily extracted natural resources such as gas, oil and minerals are most likely to cause negative effects.  Ross (2001). Does Oil Hinder Democracy? World Politics 53(3):325–61  Busby, G., Isham, J., Pritchett, L. and Woolcock, M. (2005) The Varieties of Resource Experience: Natural Resource Export Structures and the Political Economy of Economic Growth, The World Bank Economic Review, 19: 141 174  Birdsall, N. and Subramanian, A. (2004) Saving Iraq from its oil, Foreign Affairs, 83, 4 Author’s Resource BoxOwen Stevens is project manager at Skyblu, search engine optimisation specialists – http://www.skybluweb.co.ud artifact.?Education is desperate for money, ideas, and talent. As a whole, public institutions barely survive year after year of disastrous management, a ruinous, mold-breeding flood in sometimes treasure-crammed dilapidated buildings. Gouiran made a reputation for his uncanny ability to recruit talented and energetic managers, noting “If you want to be a great educational institution, you don’t need just capital, you need intellectual capital.”?http://mj23.shopdada.com/