Taking extra care of your pets during the hot summer months is crucial to keeping them healthy. For dogs with thin or short fur, pet sun block is a great solution to prevent sunburn. All pets are susceptible to burning on the tips of their ears and their noses lightest wheelchair ramp. Another trouble spot is the abdomen. Many dogs and cats like to lie on their backs letting their stomachs take in the warmth of the sun (yes, dogs and cats sunbathe too.). Swimming is something that most dogs will readily do. Cats, while they tend to avoid the water, could fall in by accident at any moment. The threat with water is not that the pets will not know how to swim, as most will know what to do instinctively lightest wheelchair ramp. The main issue is how the animal will get out of the water after it has entered. Pool-sides and the edges of boats can be very difficult for a pet to climb onto while also staying afloat. If your dog or cat panics upon entering the water it may find it impossible to get out. Lying on their backs, while comfortable, puts pets at significant risk of sunburn. Lotions designed just for dogs and cats can be found online or at stores lightest wheelchair ramp. If you have trouble finding what you need ask your veterinarian. It is also important to use heart worm meds because a mosquito can carry the parasite to your dog or cat. Once this is taken care of keep a close eye out for anomalies. If you notice scabs on the animal you should check closely that the medication is working. Another potentially fatal situation for your dog or cat in the summertime involves fire ants. A sleeping dog or cat can be easy prey for these red pests. These ants will actually scatter themselves over your pet抯 stomach and synchronize their patterns of stinging. Dehydration is a constant issue for animals as well. The extra heat will force your pet to consume substantially larger amounts of water in the summertime. This can cause immense pain. If this is occurs, hose down your pet and bring it to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Prevention measures should solve most problems, but be sure to keep your eyes open just in case. To prevent this from happening, give your animal some basic lessons. Have your dog or cat go into the water and help lead it to the stairs or ramp to get out of the water. This training will make it easier for your dog or cat if it falls in by accident at any point lightest wheelchair ramp. There is a great temptation to give your dog or cat ice cold water. It is a good idea to avoid this and stick to room temperature liquids.
Be especially careful in applying these lotions as pets have a much harder time washing out their eyes if the lotion gets in them.In the summertime, insects are actually more of a threat for dogs and cats then they are for children. Be sure to give your pets plenty of water, as everyone, kids, adults and pets, all need plenty of water to combat the intense heat of summer. During the summer months, bugs can be a major problem for animals lightest wheelchair ramp. Allergic reactions to bees and fire ants can be fatal to your dog or cat if the vet is not visited immediately. The first step is to use flea and tick medication. Fleas and ticks can lead to constant scratching, to the extent that patches on your animal抯 body could be rubbed raw. This is tame when compared with what bees and fire ants can do to your dog or cat. Getting frisky with those buzzing bees can lead to bad stings on the nose and head of your pet. That is a serious matter itself; however, if your pet is allergic it can be fatal lightest wheelchair ramp.